Monday, January 17, 2011

My 1st Half Marathon Results

Yesterday Sunday, January 16, 2011 I ran my first marathon with Kirsten (sister), Holly (best friend), Jenna, Michelle, Michelle, and Andy.  We woke up at 4:30 Sunday morning and all piled into my sister's minivan and made our way to the Arizona State Capitol.

The race kicked off at 8:30 and don't worry we didn't sit there for 4 hours.  After we woke up I showered and had breakfast and left my sisters at 5:45 to get Jenna then arrived at the capitol around 6:30.  We weren't sure how bad parking would be so we left plenty of time.  With an expected number of 30,000 runner for both the full and half marathon you may need some extra time.

My corral hit the course at 8:58:16 and I had to pee so badly so I stopped at about mile one to use the porta potty.  Mile 10 I used the porta potty again.  :)  Oh well I was still very happy with my time.

Here are the official results as posted by

Next time I will try to do better.  :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PF Changs Rock n Roll

I haven't posted much lately because of the Holidays and training for my first Half Marathon.  I do have to thank Fredy for pushing me to run longer and faster and get in shape for this half. 

If you are in Phoenix I would love for you to come out and support me, Kirsten, Jenna, and Holly as we run.  Here is a link to the course map if you want to come out and cheer us on.

Hope to see you all there.