Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Crazy For You Review

Recently I had the pleasure to choreograph Crazy for You for the Downey Civic Light Opera.  The show was directed and produced by Marsha Moode and Eddy Clement was the musical director.  The show opened on Friday, September 28th, 2012.

The show received great audition response as well some fantastic reviews.  Links to reviews below..






This amazing reviews would not be possible if were extremely talented cast and crew.  We had many familiar faces to the DCLO which are always a pleasure to work with and some new faces I hope to see around the DCLO in the future.

Mishi Schueller as Bobby Child
Andrea Dodson as Polly Baker
Paul Preston as Lank Hawkins
William T. Lewis as Bella Zangler
Charlotte Carpenter as Irene Roth
Laura Rensing as Tess
Deani Lovrien as Patsy
Heather Blades as Lottie Child (Mother)
James Robuck as Moose
Greg Hardash as Sam
Christopher Curry as Wyatt and the Dance Captain
William Crisp as Custis
Heather Aufdemburg as Claire
Hanz Enyeart as Will
Ata Farhadi as Eugene Fodor
Timothy Hearl as Ensemble
Nick Menecola as Everett Baker
Steven Murray as Pete
Roy Okida as Joe
Eric A. Peterson as Jim
Katie Toussaint as Patricia Fodor
Kyle Van Amburgh as Jack
Sheri Vasquez as Irene
Tina Koyuki Whitley as Merle

The Zangler Girls
Angela Asch
Katelyn Blockinger
Lauren Cicerone
Vanessa Dunn
Lyndell Higgins
Aleesha McNeff
Cari Millard
Calista Ruiz

Thank you all for your "Nice Work" and your dedication.  Most of all thank you for sharing your talents with us.

A special thank you to Christopher Curry who as Dance Captain had the task of maintaining the integrity and vision of my choreography.

I hope to see you all at the And the World Goes Round audition in January.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

HIV Testing

I have been posting about the importance of getting tested and to know your status for a while now.  I even have a link on my blog and tweeted the link to JustGetTested.com for discounted confidential testing and no one has taken advantage of that link.

So one can only wonder if people are getting tested?  When was your last test?  Do you know your status?

Don't be scared or freaked out by the test just go get tested.  Take a friend, a stranger, a hook up, family, or your CareBear.  Just Get Tested and Know Your Status.

for discounted tests visit www.JustGetTested.com and enter promo code KnowYourStatus

Monday, August 6, 2012

Donations Needed

I have just over a month to raise almost $5000 in order to run in the NYC Marathon.  The money I raise will go to support services provided to over 10,000 people in Los Angeles area living with HIV/AIDS or to prevention education.

I will be paying all my travel related expenses to NYC in November.  I will also be logging hundreds of miles in preparation for the marathon.  Follow my training run on Twitter, Facebook, or RunKeeper.

Please help spread the word of my efforts to your friends and families, check with your employer to see if they do charitable contribution matching.

Thank you in advance for your support. Visit http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time is Running Out

My fundraising goal for the NYC Marathon is quickly approaching and I have only reached 4% of my goal.  I need everyones help in meeting my goal.  You all know how important HIV/AIDS is to me and raising awareness to this cause.  Please help in any way you can by skipping Starbucks or Chick Fil A for a day and use that money to donate.  All donations are tax deductible.

Tell your friends, family, co-workers, strangers, and how ever you come across and ask them to reach deep into their pockets and donate whatever they can.

Visit http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1 to donate and join in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Need Your Support

As many of you know my cause is HIV/AIDS and raising awareness.  This November I will be running with Team Too End AIDS again but this time in the NYC Marathon on November 4th.  I must raise a minimum of $3000 and have set a personal goal of $5000 all of which goes to APLA.  I will be paying for all my travel expenses.

A donation of amount would be greatly appreciated by me and the nearly 15,000 people that rely on the serves that APLA provides.  Your donation is tax deductible.

Since July is my birthday month as well as HIV Awareness month I am asking that you please do not purchase me a gift rather you use that money to make a donation to my efforts.

Donations can be made at http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1

Please help me spread the word by sharing this with your friends and family.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Run for a Cause

This year I will be running the NYC Marathon to raise money for APLA.  As many of you know in December I ran in the Honolulu Marathon to raise money for APLA and raised just over $3400.  This year I have a set a goal of raising $5000 which will all go to APLA.  I will be paying for my travel expenses on my own.

I need your help spreading my message and helping to reach my goal of $5000.  If everyone of my FaceBook friends donates $5 we will meet my goal.  Imagine how much we could raise if we spread the word beyond my FaceBook page.

I will be having my Rubio's fundraiser again this year as well as a Chili's fundraiser.  If you have any suggestions on fundraising ideas please tell me below in the comment section.

To donate to my cause please visit http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1

Thank you for all your support and please repost this and tweet it out.

Pajama Game Review

Last night Pajama Game opened at the Downey Civic Light Opera.  Today the reviews have started to come out and here is a link to one of them.  This review is written by Steven Stanley of Stage Scene LA.


Thank you for the fabulous review Steven and we will see you at the opening of Crazy for You.

Pajama Game is Up and Running

Tonight was the opening night of Pajama Game and the cast did a fabulous job.  It is always so rewarding to see all the hard work of the cast and crew pay off.  Over all the opening night was a success!

I am very excited for the reviews as I want this show to be a huge success for them as well as the creative team.  Stay tuned for the reviews and I would actually love for each of you to go see the show and review it yourselves.  Please post your review below and tell us what you thought of it.

Get your tickets at www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pajama Game Opening Night

Friday, June 1st is the Opening Night of Pajama Game at the Downey Theatre for Downey Civic Light Opera.  After all the drop out we have had and I was beginning to wonder if the show was cursed.  The preview showed that Pajama Game was not cursed.

It has been a pleasure working with my "Cole" dancers again and I have met some fantastic new people as well.

Come check and support all their hard word.  Get your tickets now at www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Love to all and know your status.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 2012 Blood test results

Today I have my first visit with my new HIV specialist, Dr Cable.  From my very first call to his office to schedule my appointment I had a great feeling about him.  Today I felt 120% confident in him and his nurse.  Now lets get to the important stuff..

My viral load is undetectable and the lab is able to test to as little as 20 copies.  (this translates to great news)
CD4 count is 549

I will be going back in 3 months for another visit and more blood work in 2 months.  I also hear that Prezista (one of prescriptions) will soon be available in an 800 mg tablet which means I won't have to take  two a day once they are released!  Yay..

Don't forget to get tested on a regular basis and know your status.  Visit www.justgettested.com to purchase your STD and HIV screening tests.  Use promo code KnowYourStatus

Start the conversation and #KnowYourStatus

Friday, May 11, 2012


In my efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS I will be joining the Team To End AIDS again this year.  This year I will be running in the ING NYC Marathon on November 4th, 2012.  I have set a goal of raising $5000 this year, non of which will go to my travel and hotel costs those I will be covering on my own.

Please help me spread the word about my efforts and tell your friends, family and co-workers about this.  Everyone of us is affected by HIV/AIDS and if you are reading this then you certainly are.  Anything you can donate is welcome and we will help!

Put a collection bucket on your desk!  Save your change!  Give up StarBucks for a day!  These are all simple things to do to help out such a great cause.

Here is the link to the 26.2 miles I will be running in the ING NYC Marathon to Fight HIV/AIDShttp://www.nycmarathon.org/documents/INGNYCM12_Course_Map_ForWeb.pdf

Visit this link to donate to my cause http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1

Thank you for your help and support.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pajama Game!

Pajama Game rehearsals are well under way and we are making some amazing progress on the show.  We are recreating Bob Fosse's incredible number "Steam Heat" and you will not want to miss it.  Some of the amazing singers and dancers from "Cole" have returned to join the cast and we are welcoming some new cast members.

We open on June 1st and it would be amazing if we sold out the house.  Visit www.downeyciviclightopera.org for ticketing information.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fundraising to Fight HIV/AIDS

In November I will be running the NYC Marathon in efforts to raise money to Fight HIV/AIDS and support an amazing organization AIDS Project Los Angeles. http://www.apla.org/

This is the same organization I ran for last year and together we raised over $3200.  This year I have a goal of raising over $5000.  With the health care cuts and rising prescription prices organizations like this one need our help more than ever.

Please support me and this incredible group of people.  Visit http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise1 to donate.  Any amount will help and what will also help is if you help spread the word by telling your friends and co-workers about my efforts.  Don't forget to check if your employers matches your charitable contributions.

Monday, April 30, 2012

NYC Marathon

I am at again.  I have registered for the New York City Marathon which will take place on November 4th, 2012.  I will also be running as part of the Team To End AIDS.  I have set a goal of fundraising $5000 which will benefit AIDS Project Los Angeles.  This is an incredible organization which offers much needed services to many in need.  Do a google search of APLA for more details about who and what they do.  Visit http://apla.convio.net/goto/NathanRWise to join me in my efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS.  Spread the word and spread my message to help raise awareness.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Blood Draw

This morning I went to the lab to have my blood drawn for my routine lab work.  It was a light blood draw today only 4 - 7.5ml vials and 2 - 4ml vials. 

I will be going to my Doctor to get my results on May 16th.  Stay tuned for the results. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just Get Tested

I am very excited to announce a partnership that I have recently developed with JustGetTested.com.  JustGetTested offers sexual health and wellness blood tests as well as STD and HIV testing.  Best part is it is a confidential testing source that can be ordered online.

Knowledge is power and we must all know our status if we are going to be sexually active.  There are so many resources to get tested and if you are afraid or too embarrassed to go to a clinic or your doctor then this is a great way for you to gain the knowledge.

Check them out at www.justgettested.com and use promo code KnowYourStatus

KnowYourStatus and start the conversation.  

Pajama Game Auditions!!

Calling all Singers, Actors, and Dancers...

Auditions for Pajama Game

First Baptist Church of Downey
8348 E Third Street
Downey, CA

Date and Time:
Monday, April 23rd         7:00pm to 10:30pm
Thursday, April 26th        7:00pm to 10:30pm

Sunday, April 29th           3:30pm for Singers   5:30pm for Dancers

For more information visit:  www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Friday, March 30, 2012

LA Marathon 2012 Results

I did!  I can't believe it sometimes what we are able to accomplish and over come.  This is my 3rd full marathon and the 2nd time running the LA Marathon.  I was hoping to complete the course in under 4 hours and I was on pace to do just that until I hit about mile 18 and I started falling apart.

I started thinking I was wasn't going to be able to finish and I my legs couldn't carry me any further.  I forced my self to start running again after I my heart rate lowered a bit and it hurt to run.  I went from running under a 9 min pace to over a 10 min pace and I forgot how hilly the entire course was.  It was cold and my calves were starting to cramp.  Did I push to hard at the beginning?  Did I hydrate enough?  Did I over train?  These were some of the questions going thru my mind and I was worried about how Fredy was doing since he wasn't doing well when I saw him at mile 10.  He was sick and the car accident we were in the day prior we taking a toll on him.

I pushed and pushed and I walked when needed and then I finally told myself to get over it and take control of your body.  This struggle went on long enough and thank god the last two miles where all down hill after a climb up from mile 15 with only short downhills before another climb.  Check out this link to see how my race broke down and the elevation change on this course..


I crossed the finish line in 4:08:15 according to the official clock which is a major improvement from last years LA Marathon but about 4 minutes slower than the Honolulu Marathon but according to my watch I finished in 4:03:43 which is a minute improvement from Honolulu Marathon.  The difference between the two clocks is that my watch stops with me and the official clock does not.  I did stop for the bathroom a couple times and to see Holly at mile 15 - Thanks for being there Candle!

I pushed as hard as could at the very end and I could barely walk to get my medal.  My legs were done and they wanted to stop and sit but the best thing to do after a run that long is keep moving, plus Holly and Fredy were picking me up.  So I walked to the race exit where there were thousands of rude people crowding the exit and wouldn't move to let runners out to go and meet their friends and families.  Seriously people that is why they have a family reunion area and seriously LA Marathon maybe you need to consider how other marathons do it with exit by last names so there isn't such a back log.

Anyways enough about that!  It turned out to be a rain free day and a huge day for me by being able to over come the pain and frustration of my body and pushing on to have a strong finish.  I am use to pushing thru pain and ignoring it as a dancer but running is a different beast that I am still getting use to.

So what is next?  Well I have Pajama Game coming up that I will be choreographing and as far as running goes we may do the OC Marathon, San Francisco Marathon, Chicago Marathon, or the New York Marathon.  Stay tuned and don't forgot to click on some ads to help support my blog.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Inspiration!  There are several people in my life that inspire me to be better, do more, love more, judge less, be more patient on  a daily basis.  I want to thank them for being such an inspiration in my life.  

My beautiful boyfriend Fredy.  He is so smart, loving, caring, and all around amazing.  He makes me want to learn more and push myself to new heights.  He was the inspiration behind running my first full marathon and pushes me to be faster and stronger as I run and he also helps me as I choreograph numbers.  He will tell me when it isn't looking well or when he loves it.  

My sister, Kirsten Erickson, inspires me everyday to be all of the of above and more.  She is such an incredible woman, mom, sister, and person.  She is raising three beautiful children and is constantly helping out our family with simply to complicated time consuming tasks, volunteers at her kids school as well as her church.  

Valerie Swartzman Hartford is a dear friend and my adagio partner also know as my fiancee.  She is raising two children and soon be a third.  Her husband is out of the country every 3 weeks for 3 weeks at a time.  She helps watch her sisters 3 kids while she works and she is helping care for her mother Denise Swartzman who is going thru cancer treatment.

Denise Swartzman is Valerie's mom and momma loves me best.  She is has spent her whole life helping others and making a difference in thousands of young kids lives thru her former dance studio and the Arizona Cinderella program.  She has remained strong and inspirational thru her cancer treatment and shows me love and support every time I see her or talk to her.

Holly Haynick, my candle.  She inspires me with her incredible talent, her drive to teach kids to dance.  She is such a strong and beautiful person and is always there to support me whenever I need her.  She is never threatened by other only inspired by others which is incredible and a lesson that some many need to learn.

Greg Kirby for all his work with kids, his family, his church.  We have been friends for almost 15 years and I have learned so much from him.

Donny Fox for his drive to always be better and do more.  He has always knows how to help you.

Janet Renslow taught me a whole new world of musical theatre and took me under her wing to teach me how to see better patterns and staging ideas.  Every time we talk she is inspiring me and making me feel like an incredibly talented dancer.

There are many more people who inspire me and I will do more to let them know that they inspire me.  

How inspires you and do they know how they inspire you?  What inspires you?  Tell us below in the comment section and share inspirational stories for others to learn from.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LA Marathon Training

I am finally back on track with my training for the LA Marathon.  After my car accident on February 1st, I was forced to take a short break from training since I couldn't even stand up straight.  I ran one day last week and then got side tracked with the opening of Cole and my parents coming out to visit.  Well this week I got myself back on track and I have logged 20 miles so far and tomorrow I will do a 20 mile run.  I have been eating up a storm today in preparation for the run.  I just had dinner and I am still hungry so I think I may make some more food.  :)

In November I will be running in the NYC Marathon if all goes as planned.  I will be running it for charity and will be asking for donations so start saving those coins and get them ready for donation.  :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cole is up and Running

Friday, February 17th was the official opening night of Cole.  Mom and Dad came in from Morristown, AZ to join Fredy and I for opening night.  The 3 weeks of rehearsals, 1 week of tech rehearsals, and the week of dress rehearsals leading up to opening night all paid off.  The cast did an incredible job Friday night and we went back to the show tonight.  Our first review was published today and we got a fantastic review.  Here is link to the review...  http://www.stagescenela.com/2012/02/cole/

Come out and support everyones hard work and incredible talent.  Get your tickets at www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 2012

So February started out with a bang.  Well more like someone rear ending me and less like a bang.  I took my car to the body shop today and they sent me an estimate of about $800 in damages.  The lady that rear ended me said she wanted to pay for the damage out of her pocket but when I tried to call her Friday the phone numbers she gave me didn't work.  I tried calling her on Friday since I had not heard from her yet.  Good thing I insisted on a police report and I had already notified my insurance company about the accident so I just completed the claim.  Over the weekend while I was out of the office the ladies insurance company called and took responsibility for the accident.  Thank you USAA for being such an amazing insurance company and processing the claim so quickly.  I dropped my car off today and now I have a rental car.  The body shop hopes to have my car fixed by tomorrow.  And the best news is that they are going to fix my mirror for me.  Yay no more duct tape to hold my mirror back onto my car.

If you see a lady driving a 2001 Beige Jaguar on the 405 north bound in the mornings watch out cause she doesn't pay attention and she will try to screw you over.

Cole Week 3

Last night we completed our third week of Cole Rehearsal with our designer run.  We have tonight off then we move to the theatre to begin tech on Wednesday.  I am very excited for opening night next Friday.  I hope you all have your tickets for the show.

If you are not familiar with Cole Porters work then google him.  We all know several of his songs we may just not have realized that he wrote them.

I am very proud of the hard work this cast has put into this show.  A normal Broadway Musical has about 18 to 20 songs in the show and this show has some where between 55 and 60 songs.  We have a few major productions numbers and some fabulous showy numbers.  In my true fashion I have made some fabulous one liners and one that came out last night was "There is never and excuse for a lazy bevel."

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cole Week 2

Tonight we completed the 2nd week of rehearsals for Cole.  The cast is working incredible hard and stepping up when needed.  The girls need to still on work on letting the boys lead the lifts and the boys need to show more control and confidence in the lifts so the girls will release control.

We created some really cute numbers this week and I am anxious to see them come to life on stage.  One more week and then we are onto our designer run.

Time flies sometimes.   :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cole Week 1

Tonight we wrapped up the first week of rehearsals.  The dancers and ensemble have been amazing this week.  We have our three largest numbers in the first act up and looking amazing.  I am so excited to see what else these amazing dancers will accomplish in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday we put up - Another Op'nin, Another Show
Saturday we put up - Anything Goes
Tonight - Daddy and De Lovely

Make sure you get your tickets to Cole @ www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What will 2012 bring?

2012 is going to be a very exciting and busy year.  I have registered and begun training for the LA Marathon and I hope this year it will not be cold and raining and I of course hope to improve on my time.  We would love to see some familiar faces along the course to cheer us on and I am sure Holly would love some company while she is providing inspiration.

This year I will be refocusing on my passion and love for dance.  My goal is to perform in a show this year and there are some very exciting shows coming up I plan on auditioning for.  A big change in my dance career is that I will be choreographing two shows for the Downey Civic Light Opera.  We just finished auditions for Cole (a review of the life and music of Cole Porter) and Pajama Game (Fosse, need I say more).  For show dates and ticket information please visit www.downeyciviclightopera.org.  I am so thankful for a dear friend, Janet Renslow, for taking me under her wing the past year as her assistant choreographer and teaching me so much.  I can't wait to learn more her and work with her again.

Fredy and I had an incredible year last year and this year is going to even more incredible.  He is so supportive and encouraging.  He finally got to see me perform on New Years Eve and will be there with me and my parents of opening night of Cole.

Another goal for this year is to be more active with my blog and raising awareness of HIV/AIDS.  I will start with a search for a better doctor and ask more participation in sharing your experiences.  I will also look into making my blog a video blog (first I need a new computer that can handle that and better internet connection).

What do you plan on doing in 2012?

Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 In Review

2011 Turned out to be an incredible year.


I ran my first Half Marathon which was PF Chang's Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Phoenix, AZ.  I finished in 1:55:58.  I ran with my sister Kirsten, Holly, and Jenna.  I then kicked off my training for my first full marathon.


A trip to Big Bear with Donny and Ryan to the Fox Family Snow Week.  I don't know how we actually made it to Big Bear since we watched the gas meter read zero miles for at least 40 miles.  Thank god Mini's get amazing gas mileage.


LA Marathon..   I don't know what I was thinking but I took on the challenge of the 26.2 miles from Dodgers Stadium to Santa Monica Beach.  It was a freezing cold day, windy, and rainy.  A special thanks to Fredy for believing I could accomplish it and to Holly for standing in the freezing cold rain and wind to watch me run past and then for picking us up at the end.  I finished in 4:23:21, I was just happy to finish and I was happier to finally warm up 3 hours after we finished and we made an immediate stop at America Eagle  for dry warm clothes.


Went to Las Vegas for Easter which also marked the 3rd anniversary of Andrew's passing.  Fredy and I visited Hoover Dam which was one of Andrews favorite places and he was very excited to see the Dam bypass bridge.  He is now resting over looking one his favorite places.  We walked from the Neveda side of the bridge to the Arizona and back.  Some pictures are on FaceBook.  We had a fabulous time in Vegas where we saw Valerie for lunch and stayed with Trevor and Marah.  We also saw Le Reve and joined the cast of Le Reve for some functions around the Wynn.


I watched and cheered Holly on thru the OC Half Marathon.  I then meet Fredy in New York City.  He was already there for work so I meet him there and he meet me at the Airport with roses.  We had a fabulous time in the City.  We went and saw Billy Elliot, New York City Ballet at Lincoln City, The UN, the Met, Top of the Rock, Wall Street, and crossed the Brooklyn Bridge.


Celebrating my besties birthday. Happy Birthday Donny.


Celebrated 4th of July and my birthday with a trip to San Diego to go Sea World.  One of my favorite months out the year.  Beautiful weather, the beach, 4th of July, and of course I was brought into the world.


Started with a visit from Trevor and Marah.  Fredy and I then went camping in Yosemite!  I can't even describe how beautiful it is.  If you haven't been there then you need to go.  We hiked to the top of Half Dome and sat and enjoyed the breath taking views for a while.  I can't wait to go back.


Was filled with training and fund raising efforts for the Honolulu Marathon.


Halloween and the birth month of some amazing people.  My sister, Holly and my love Fredy.  We continued to train for the Honolulu Marathon and we ran the Long Beach Half Marathon and finished in 1:50:02.  We also went the William Clinton Foundation Benefit Concert.  I also helped my dear friend Janet with Singing in the Rain and Cats and watched two incredible casts do what they love to do.  We then hit WeHo and celebrated Fredy's Birthday starting off with Sushi and ending with a fabulous night in WeHo with friends and my love.


Completed my first year at Villa Siena and the Irvine Company.  I also celebrated my one year anniversary with Fredy and we celebrated our anniversary and Thanksgiving with a trip to New York City.  Fredy and I enjoyed the holiday in NYC where we saw several shows, ran, saw friends, visited the 9/11 Memorial, and Central Park.  Our Thanksgiving Dinner was totally NYC style, Pizza.  Yummy.  We saw Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Radio City Rockette Christmas Spectacular, as well as Memphis.  Memphis is amazing and I highly recommend it.  It was great seeing Denise, Clare, and Vince who I hadn't seen in like 8 plus years.  Crazy how time flies.


Off to Honolulu for the marathon.  With your help I raised over $3400 to fight HIV/AIDS.  We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed some short runs before the big day.  On 12/11 we headed out for the marathon which started at 5 am and completed it in 4:04:52.  We also drove around the Island past Magnum PI's house and visited Pearl Harbor.  We then went to Arizona to celebrate Christmas and spend time with the family.  While in Phoenix we had a little Dance Shoppe Reunion party and saw some amazing people and finally got to see Shannon and meet her baby Claire.  Christmas was way to short but enjoyable and I can't believe how old my nieces are getting.  Eva is 12 now.  For the New Year we rang it in in Laughlin were Valerie and I performed at a Private Party at the Riverside.  Fredy finally got to see me perform and it was a blast performing with Val again.  I miss it.

2012 has some incredible stuff coming so stayed tuned and don't forget to click on the ads.  Follow me on Twitter @NathanRWise