Thursday, February 23, 2012

LA Marathon Training

I am finally back on track with my training for the LA Marathon.  After my car accident on February 1st, I was forced to take a short break from training since I couldn't even stand up straight.  I ran one day last week and then got side tracked with the opening of Cole and my parents coming out to visit.  Well this week I got myself back on track and I have logged 20 miles so far and tomorrow I will do a 20 mile run.  I have been eating up a storm today in preparation for the run.  I just had dinner and I am still hungry so I think I may make some more food.  :)

In November I will be running in the NYC Marathon if all goes as planned.  I will be running it for charity and will be asking for donations so start saving those coins and get them ready for donation.  :)

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