Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cole Week 2

Tonight we completed the 2nd week of rehearsals for Cole.  The cast is working incredible hard and stepping up when needed.  The girls need to still on work on letting the boys lead the lifts and the boys need to show more control and confidence in the lifts so the girls will release control.

We created some really cute numbers this week and I am anxious to see them come to life on stage.  One more week and then we are onto our designer run.

Time flies sometimes.   :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cole Week 1

Tonight we wrapped up the first week of rehearsals.  The dancers and ensemble have been amazing this week.  We have our three largest numbers in the first act up and looking amazing.  I am so excited to see what else these amazing dancers will accomplish in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday we put up - Another Op'nin, Another Show
Saturday we put up - Anything Goes
Tonight - Daddy and De Lovely

Make sure you get your tickets to Cole @ www.downeyciviclightopera.org

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


What will 2012 bring?

2012 is going to be a very exciting and busy year.  I have registered and begun training for the LA Marathon and I hope this year it will not be cold and raining and I of course hope to improve on my time.  We would love to see some familiar faces along the course to cheer us on and I am sure Holly would love some company while she is providing inspiration.

This year I will be refocusing on my passion and love for dance.  My goal is to perform in a show this year and there are some very exciting shows coming up I plan on auditioning for.  A big change in my dance career is that I will be choreographing two shows for the Downey Civic Light Opera.  We just finished auditions for Cole (a review of the life and music of Cole Porter) and Pajama Game (Fosse, need I say more).  For show dates and ticket information please visit www.downeyciviclightopera.org.  I am so thankful for a dear friend, Janet Renslow, for taking me under her wing the past year as her assistant choreographer and teaching me so much.  I can't wait to learn more her and work with her again.

Fredy and I had an incredible year last year and this year is going to even more incredible.  He is so supportive and encouraging.  He finally got to see me perform on New Years Eve and will be there with me and my parents of opening night of Cole.

Another goal for this year is to be more active with my blog and raising awareness of HIV/AIDS.  I will start with a search for a better doctor and ask more participation in sharing your experiences.  I will also look into making my blog a video blog (first I need a new computer that can handle that and better internet connection).

What do you plan on doing in 2012?

Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 In Review

2011 Turned out to be an incredible year.


I ran my first Half Marathon which was PF Chang's Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Phoenix, AZ.  I finished in 1:55:58.  I ran with my sister Kirsten, Holly, and Jenna.  I then kicked off my training for my first full marathon.


A trip to Big Bear with Donny and Ryan to the Fox Family Snow Week.  I don't know how we actually made it to Big Bear since we watched the gas meter read zero miles for at least 40 miles.  Thank god Mini's get amazing gas mileage.


LA Marathon..   I don't know what I was thinking but I took on the challenge of the 26.2 miles from Dodgers Stadium to Santa Monica Beach.  It was a freezing cold day, windy, and rainy.  A special thanks to Fredy for believing I could accomplish it and to Holly for standing in the freezing cold rain and wind to watch me run past and then for picking us up at the end.  I finished in 4:23:21, I was just happy to finish and I was happier to finally warm up 3 hours after we finished and we made an immediate stop at America Eagle  for dry warm clothes.


Went to Las Vegas for Easter which also marked the 3rd anniversary of Andrew's passing.  Fredy and I visited Hoover Dam which was one of Andrews favorite places and he was very excited to see the Dam bypass bridge.  He is now resting over looking one his favorite places.  We walked from the Neveda side of the bridge to the Arizona and back.  Some pictures are on FaceBook.  We had a fabulous time in Vegas where we saw Valerie for lunch and stayed with Trevor and Marah.  We also saw Le Reve and joined the cast of Le Reve for some functions around the Wynn.


I watched and cheered Holly on thru the OC Half Marathon.  I then meet Fredy in New York City.  He was already there for work so I meet him there and he meet me at the Airport with roses.  We had a fabulous time in the City.  We went and saw Billy Elliot, New York City Ballet at Lincoln City, The UN, the Met, Top of the Rock, Wall Street, and crossed the Brooklyn Bridge.


Celebrating my besties birthday. Happy Birthday Donny.


Celebrated 4th of July and my birthday with a trip to San Diego to go Sea World.  One of my favorite months out the year.  Beautiful weather, the beach, 4th of July, and of course I was brought into the world.


Started with a visit from Trevor and Marah.  Fredy and I then went camping in Yosemite!  I can't even describe how beautiful it is.  If you haven't been there then you need to go.  We hiked to the top of Half Dome and sat and enjoyed the breath taking views for a while.  I can't wait to go back.


Was filled with training and fund raising efforts for the Honolulu Marathon.


Halloween and the birth month of some amazing people.  My sister, Holly and my love Fredy.  We continued to train for the Honolulu Marathon and we ran the Long Beach Half Marathon and finished in 1:50:02.  We also went the William Clinton Foundation Benefit Concert.  I also helped my dear friend Janet with Singing in the Rain and Cats and watched two incredible casts do what they love to do.  We then hit WeHo and celebrated Fredy's Birthday starting off with Sushi and ending with a fabulous night in WeHo with friends and my love.


Completed my first year at Villa Siena and the Irvine Company.  I also celebrated my one year anniversary with Fredy and we celebrated our anniversary and Thanksgiving with a trip to New York City.  Fredy and I enjoyed the holiday in NYC where we saw several shows, ran, saw friends, visited the 9/11 Memorial, and Central Park.  Our Thanksgiving Dinner was totally NYC style, Pizza.  Yummy.  We saw Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Radio City Rockette Christmas Spectacular, as well as Memphis.  Memphis is amazing and I highly recommend it.  It was great seeing Denise, Clare, and Vince who I hadn't seen in like 8 plus years.  Crazy how time flies.


Off to Honolulu for the marathon.  With your help I raised over $3400 to fight HIV/AIDS.  We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed some short runs before the big day.  On 12/11 we headed out for the marathon which started at 5 am and completed it in 4:04:52.  We also drove around the Island past Magnum PI's house and visited Pearl Harbor.  We then went to Arizona to celebrate Christmas and spend time with the family.  While in Phoenix we had a little Dance Shoppe Reunion party and saw some amazing people and finally got to see Shannon and meet her baby Claire.  Christmas was way to short but enjoyable and I can't believe how old my nieces are getting.  Eva is 12 now.  For the New Year we rang it in in Laughlin were Valerie and I performed at a Private Party at the Riverside.  Fredy finally got to see me perform and it was a blast performing with Val again.  I miss it.

2012 has some incredible stuff coming so stayed tuned and don't forget to click on the ads.  Follow me on Twitter @NathanRWise