Friday, November 11, 2011

World AIDS Day 2011

World AIDS Day is December 1st, 2011.  What will you do to spread awareness?  Visit and download the Facing AIDS pdf, print it, write your statement, snap a picture and share.  

Social media is very powerful tool.  Lets us it to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS.

Other things you can do to get involved:

get tested 
share your status
start the conversation
go with a friend to get tested

You can also donate to my marathon efforts as I am running to raise money for APLA (AIDS Project Los Angeles).  You can donate at

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Do I Run

Why do I run? 

I started running back in September 2010 when I watched my dear friend Holly finish her first half marathon.  I thought to myself “I can do this!”  As I was training for my first half marathon (13.1 miles) I meet Fredy and he convinced me to give the LA Marathon (26.2 miles) a try in March 2011.  While Fredy and I were at the LA Marathon Expo we saw the booth for T2EA (Team to End AIDS).  We decided to run for a cause the next time we did a Marathon.  So this time I am running to support an incredible organization called APLA.

AIDS Project Los Angeles provides much needed services to about 10,000 people in the LA area annually.  This is a cause near and dear to my heart having relied on social services for my care and treatment when I was in need.  Help me raise the much needed funds to ensure that APLA can continue to provide their much needed services. 

All the miles I will put in during training and the 26.2 miles for the Marathon are dedicated to the health and well being of everyone that is affected by HIV/AIDS.  That is each and everyone of us.  According to the CDC over 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV/AIDS and some 30.6 to 36.1 million people worldwide. 

Please visit to support me in my efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS. 

Please share this with as many people as you can.  Every penny counts and helps.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Year..

As my birthday approaches I begin to reflect upon the events of the past year which has been an incredible year.  

Excellent health.  Spent Christmas with my family.  Laughed and danced with friends. Moved apartments and jobs.  Had an amazing New Years Kiss.  Fell in love.  Lost 15 pounds (15 more to go).  Ran my 1st 1/2 and Full Marathon.  Shined on stage.  Saw old friends.  Watched friends succeed and achieve their goals. Ran over 728 miles in the past year.  

I am not sure what this next year holds for me but I sure am excited to see what it may bring.  I do know that December brings the Honolulu Marathon with the Team To End AIDS.  I am running the marathon to support APLA (AIDS Project Los Angeles).  I need to raise $3200 before September 24th.  So far I am at $860 and Rubios is hosting a fundraiser for me on Wednesday, July 20th at the Irvine Location (Harvard and Main).  

I will be donating a total of $1600 myself and any amount you can donate will be a huge help.  To donate please visit:

My birthday is Tuesday and for my birthday Fredy and I are going to Sea World and spend sometime in San Diego.  I love Sea World and San Diego and I can't wait to spend my birthday with the man I love.  Fredy has been an amazing addition in my life and can't wait to see how else he will inspire me, support me, encourage me, love me, and make me smile.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donate to my AIDS Marathon

Dear Friends and Family,

I've decided to take on an amazing challenge to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Over the next several months, I'll be training to complete the Honolulu Marathon, and I'll be raising money to support AIDS Project Los Angeles. I've never done anything like this before and I am ecited to be training with such a great group of people.

AIDS continues to be a devastating health problem in the United States.  At last count, 1.2 million Americans are now living with HIV, and 56,000 more become infected each year.  Fortunately, here in Los Angeles, we have an incredible organization that is working hard to stop the spread of HIV. They also provide food and home health care so that people affected by HIV/AIDS can continue to live full and productive lives.

I hope you will support my efforts by making a tax deductible donation. To find out more, please visit my T2 Home Page by clicking on the link below.

I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Test Results

On March 29, 2011 I went to see Dr Park to get my latest blood test results so here they are.

Weight:  197.8
Temp:   97.6
Blood Pressure:  132/68
Pulse:  49

T-Cells:  595
Viral Load:  Undetectable

Thursday, March 31, 2011


So far in the year 2011 I ran 281.01 miles.  You have not seen any updates from Nike Plus with my stats because the rain at LA Marathon on the 3/20/2011 ruined my Nike Running Chip  :(

As many of you may have seen my post about the Honolulu Marathon in December I would really appreciate your support in the ongoing fight against AIDS.  Anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated.  log onto to donate.

Monday, March 21, 2011

LA Marathon Results

On March 20th, 2011 I ran my first full Marathon.  I have been training hard for this day and I began preparing for the increased calorie burn starting Friday night by forcing myself to eat a ton of carbs.  We went to Cheesecake Factory and I has Fettuccine Alfredo and the Ultimate Red Velvet Cheese Cake.  :)  Finished that for lunch on Saturday (not the Cheesecake tho the trash will enjoy that) and then on Saturday night had even more pasta and bread.

Woke up on Sunday morning after a horrible night sleep (nerves got to me) and made the drive to LA Dodger Stadium and had some breakfast on the way.  Got there just in time to start which was nice since it was so cold we didn't have to hang out in the cold for long.  Right as the race started it began to rain and rained pretty much the entire race, luckily the majority of the time it was a light rain but sometime it came down hard.  I walked maybe two miles of it and I was struggling to finish.  It was so cold my calves were locking up but I will do better on the next one. 

Here are my results. Bib # 14951 Division 30 to 34 Male

Clock Time:  4:31:21
Chip Time:  4:23:21
Overall Place:  5014 out of 19,739 finishers
Sex Place: 3943 out of 11981 men that finished
Division Place: 629 out of 1620 out of men age 30 to 34 that finished

Fastest time recorded was 2:06:35 by a 26 year old Ethiopian
Max time recorded was 12:23:19
Average Overall finish time was 5:16:32
Fastest time recorded in my division was 2:14:27 by a 32 year old from Kenya (he wasn't even in the top 5)
Max time recorded in my division was 9:54:36
Average Division time was 4:49:55

If you want to see more results go and you can also see the course we ran. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One week

I can't believe that the LA Marathon is one week from today. I started out my training back in September in preparation for the PF Change Rock n Roll Half Marathon. Along the way I decided to try a full marathon. Right about now I'm asking myself why I decided to do a full marathon.  26.2 miles. I use to struggle to complete a 3 mile run but now I have logged over 200 miles this year. Crazy crazy crazy.

Anyways if anyone is in LA next weekend come out and support me at the LA Marathon.

It starts at Dodgers Stadium and finishes by the Santa Monica Pier.  3/20/2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Long Over Due.

I have been horrible at updating my blog lately and mostly because I have been so exhausted.  I have been so busy at work tying to keep up with all the projects I am working on and keeping up with all the unexpected things that arise.  With 1442 apartments and over 4000 residents there are a lot of unexpected things that arise. 

On top of that I have been stepping up my training in preparation for the LA Marathon on March 20th.  So far this week I have run 37 miles.  Now it is time to start tapering off the miles.  I am getting very nervous about my first marathon and just want to finish it.  I don't care how long it takes or how much I have to walk I just want to cross the finish line.

My health is doing well.  I have been under the weather for the past couple of days.  I am thinking it is because the drastic changes we have had recently and I have been sleeping well.  I have an upcoming appointment for my regular blood draw and my Dr follow up two weeks after that.  I will be switching to private health insurance this month and have to look into how much my co-pay will be or if I can get assistance with that.

Anyways I will update again soon.  In meantime I hope you all are doing well and getting tested.

Spread the word to get tested and know your status.   

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Longest Run Yet

Today I set out to complete my longest run to date.  My training schedule called for an 18 mile run today so I did it.  I did in 3 hours 4 minutes and 37 seconds. 

March 20th here I come.  :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

My 1st Half Marathon Results

Yesterday Sunday, January 16, 2011 I ran my first marathon with Kirsten (sister), Holly (best friend), Jenna, Michelle, Michelle, and Andy.  We woke up at 4:30 Sunday morning and all piled into my sister's minivan and made our way to the Arizona State Capitol.

The race kicked off at 8:30 and don't worry we didn't sit there for 4 hours.  After we woke up I showered and had breakfast and left my sisters at 5:45 to get Jenna then arrived at the capitol around 6:30.  We weren't sure how bad parking would be so we left plenty of time.  With an expected number of 30,000 runner for both the full and half marathon you may need some extra time.

My corral hit the course at 8:58:16 and I had to pee so badly so I stopped at about mile one to use the porta potty.  Mile 10 I used the porta potty again.  :)  Oh well I was still very happy with my time.

Here are the official results as posted by

Next time I will try to do better.  :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PF Changs Rock n Roll

I haven't posted much lately because of the Holidays and training for my first Half Marathon.  I do have to thank Fredy for pushing me to run longer and faster and get in shape for this half. 

If you are in Phoenix I would love for you to come out and support me, Kirsten, Jenna, and Holly as we run.  Here is a link to the course map if you want to come out and cheer us on.

Hope to see you all there.